registration formPlease ensure you have completed our registration form before attending class at JHS Dance. Name of student * First Name Last Name Date of Birth * Name of parent/guardian * Email * Contact number 1 * Relationship to student * Contact number 2 * Relationship to student * Home address * Medical information (i.e. medication, allergies, any injury or condition the school should be aware of) * Previous dance experience/school if applicable Most recent exam taken During class, rehearsals or shows we may take photos or video of your child for the purpose of teaching methods or for publicity on the school website or social media pages. Please tick the appropriate option * I consent to the use of photographs or videos of my child to be used for teaching methods and school publicity I consent to the photographing or videoing of my child for the purpose of teaching methods only I DO NOT consent to the use of photographs or videos of my child to be used for teaching methods and school publicity I agree to the school's Terms and Conditions (Please see Important Information page) * Tick here Thank you!